Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Go green power detox juice

I was at the gym for an hour and a half today...how? Who knows? Why? Couldn't tell ya! Perhaps I was avoiding the day long cleaning I'm in for today. Anyway...I sweat. A lot. So after my workout, I went to the store. (It's okay to wear nothing but spandex and a tank top at the store if you stay in the produce section... They're more understanding. ;) ) I got a bunch of leafy greens and I came home to juice and replenish the vitamins I just sweat out...that and to build a power house against all those nasty gym germs.  I'm actually quite happy with the taste. Mmm! 
I forgot to add that there was also half a cucumber in this juice. All I can really taste is the lemon so don't worry if this recipe is scaring your taste buds. I'm getting so pumped with nutrients! 

Happy healthy healing!!! 

❤️ KBS 

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